The Start of Something New – Briar’s Story

This is, as you guessed it, the start of something new.

In 2019, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, an autoimmune disease that effects the digestive track. This brought on a slew of doctors, questions, medication, and pain. I had to quickly adjust to what a new lifestyle would be at the end of my 20s, a time when I thought I was just getting the hang of things. Having to learn all new ways to adjust to the world alongside this diagnosis (and right before COVID-19 hit) was definitely a challenge.

It has since been almost five years, and in those five years came many things with that diagnosis; different medication (including infusions and injections of biologics), eliminating specific foods, becoming a Mom – and oh yeah, learning a new way to travel.

In the very beginning of my diagnosis and through the pain, I thought there was no way that I’d ever be able to live the life I was used to in terms of traveling. I often would travel places with my spouse, including a Honeymoon we had planned in 2020 (that got postponed due to COVID-19, but that’s a story for another time). I loved going to theme parks, but how was I going to be able to go and enjoy it, seeing with how I felt? It was also draining energy from me as well, and that constant open to close theme park hopping just wasn’t going to be in the cards anymore, or was it?

Now, while I haven’t perfected travel by any means, I’ve found ways to still enjoy traveling while having this disability. I’ve found tips to use while visiting theme parks or other areas, apps to help locating public restrooms, and more.

This blog, created with my friend Mandi who I met through Supernatural conventions, is here to show how we are still able to travel through our personal disabilities, chronic illnesses, and mobility issues. Maybe something someone reads here will help them travel in the future. Maybe, if you’re like me, you just want to feel a little less alone with a disability. Either way, Mandi and I will take you through as we travel the world and how we navigate our travels so we’re still able to enjoy our time.

I hope you stick around for the adventures.

xoxo Briar

Briar is a social media consultant and editor-in-chief for the media website, Nerds & Beyond. In 2019, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, an auto-immune disease that effects the digestive track. As someone who used to travel frequently – to different cities, theme parks, etc. – she was worried about maintaining her hobbies with the new diagnosis. As the years have gone by, she’s advocated and researched on how to work around traveling with this disability, by not letting it define her and figuring out some tips and tricks on how to travel (bathroom apps are your best friend!) With this website, she hopes to document her travels to help out those who also are in a similar situation with Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, and other disabilities.

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